I’ve been meaning to put all my videos together in a short film, but couldn’t find the time to make it happen, so I decided to do it a bit at a time.
Going over all the footage requires way too much time, and when you do get down to it you begin to see the faults of earlier videography and thinking that this is crap, that is crap, etc. etc. and by the time you go over everything you think, oh crap lets just scrap this idea totally. But with tourism at zero inbound, and zero income, I thought WTF I’m going to make this happen no matter what.
The 8 minute video is a combination of many many video files, shot from 2019 to 2021 with 3 different cameras. I started off with my Canon G7X, later getting a Sony FDR X3000 for my bike rides, and adding a GoPro Hero 8 to my tool box. Each camera has different characteristics, the Canon gives a more grainy look, more like an old film camera, whilst the Sony and GoPro are similar, I still prefer the Sony over the other cameras.
You may wonder why the Sony over the newer GoPro Hero 8, simply because Sony uses an optical stabilization (OSS) whilst the GoPro uses a digital stabilization, basically what that is, is the software stabilizes the footage, which is somewhat unnatural, and I would dare say insuperior to an OSS system.
I dare say I’ve learned something from editing this video and posting it on Youtube, and that is to make it brief & constantly changing so as to captivate the audience more.
Tell me what you think.